Team STARTUP/eindhoven


STARTUP/eindhoven is the driver behind fostering entrepreneurship among students and at the TU/e.  We offer an inclusive set of facilities and dedicated support to students who want to explore a career as either an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur. STARTUP/eindhoven is the student incubator which adds value!


More and more highly skilled engineers with an innovative- and entrepreneurial mindset are needed to cope with rapid development and environmental changes. These engineers either choose for a corporate career or become entrepreneurs themselves. In deciding which path to choose and developing the right skills and competences, experience is key!


The aim of STARTUP/eindhoven is to create a vibrant community on the TU/e campus of people that carry out the combination entrepreneurship with technology innovations and empower each other.


STARTUP/eindhoven initiates, supports and empowers all kinds off activities that encourage entrepreneurship within the TU/e and in that effort puts the student upfront!


Inspiring events and activities for the pioneers who want to explore their ambitions and discover their personal skills.

True innovative challenges in SME’s for excellent students (intrapreneurs) who want to practice their knowledge and entrepreneurial skills.

A safe environment  in which startup entrepreneurs can practice and learn from each other.

Professional guidance in (new)business development, finance and IP for entrepreneurs who want to execute and expand their ventures.

An interesting network of people from in- and outside the TU/e who are willing to share their knowledge and experience.

Robert Al

Robert Al

Incubation Manager


Monique Greve

Project Manager

Hans van Dinteren

Hans van Dinteren

Project Manager SURE Innovation

Steven van Huiden

& Business Development